Hidden Characteristics of Depression

Depression is a squirrely character. No one shows depression exactly like drug commercials depict it. Sure, laying on the couch, not wanting to participate in the family or feeling listless are common symptoms of depression, but that’s not all it is.

Here are a list of hidden symptoms of depression:

1.       Having a constant, critical shaming inner voice, a need for perfectionism.

2.      A heightened or exaggerating sense of responsibility.

3.      Detaching from painful emotions, actively shutting down.

4.      Worry and have the need to control yourself and your environment.

5.      An intense focus on tasks and using these accomplishments to feel valuable.

6.      Not allowing others into your inner world but being attentive to the well-being of others.

7.       Struggle with self-compassion and dismiss feelings of sorrow or grief.

8.      Underlying mental health concerns such as anxiety, an eating disorder or addiction.

9.      Awareness of physical ailments such as muscle tension, upset stomach or sleep disruption.

10.   Enjoy success with a professional structure, but struggle with emotional intimacy.

This is not meant as a self-diagnosis tool by any means. The intention is an awareness. The key is whether or not these factors interfere with your daily living and if you believe you’re not living your best life, get in touch with a licensed professional to begin that journey.


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