Relationship Intensives

A Relationship Intensive is a private and personalized program for couples who are interested in an intensive and effective approach to couples counseling. This experience is designed for couples who want results now.

For most couples, the Intensives are the first time they truly begin the process of deeply understanding one another. During this personalized time couples uncover their solvable and un-solvable problems and learn ways to effectively manage each.

I provide a safe, accepting, and nurturing space to begin the work of identifying root causes of your relational distress. We will assess the problem areas and develop a comprehensive customized treatment plan for each of you as individuals and as a couple. You will learn how to deepen your connection, increase communication through empathy and listening, and understand and value your differences. You will also learn to resolve conflicts, restore trust, change unhealthy dynamics and patterns, reduce blame, and move through impasses and gridlocks.

By the end of the Intensive couples are equipped to return home with valuable insight, powerful tools, and researched proven techniques and principles to apply in their daily lives.

Relationship Intensives are customized for each couple. The two most popular are the four-hour and the eight-hour Intensives. We begin with a one hour meeting to discuss goals and objectives to be addressed in the intensive. After the eight-hour session the couple will take home much of what we do during the day in the form of handouts, articles and skill sheets to remind you of what you learned and offer reference and support at your fingertips.

The initial session is $200.00 and will last one hour. The cost for the four-hour Intensive is $800.00 and the eight-hour Intensive is $1800.00. Each Intensive is offered in my comfortable and cozy office and you’re encouraged to make yourself at home. The full day session includes catered lunch.

I also offer weekend retreats and that’s when couples come into the office on Saturday and Sunday. This methodology is a highly effective way to get the most out of couples counseling as it saves time and gives you the most for your money. We can spend valuable time utilizing impactful methods in session, while being able to practice them so that you can take them home and successfully incorporate them into your relationship immediately. The cost for the weekend retreat is $3500.00. Lunch is included both days.

I am pro-relationship, but unlike many other couples counselors, I don’t believe the relationship should come at any cost. Families deserve to be happy and healthy. The experience is designed to help hurting couples heal, find lasting solutions through renewed emotional connections, rediscover intimacy and genuine healing, both individually and as a couple.